Des guides complets de Dymax fournissent des informations approfondies sur des sujets spécifiques…
Le revêtement et le collage semblent assez simples jusqu'à ce que vous preniez en compte les applications, les substrats et les éléments environnementaux. Nos outils de formation numérique sont mis à votre disposition pour vous aider.
Des guides complets de Dymax fournissent des informations approfondies sur des sujets spécifiques…
Apprenez-en plus sur la technologie de photopolymérisation grâce à nos e-books interactifs…
Approfondissez vos connaissances sur les adhésifs photopolymérisables grâce à ce cours gratuit de 5 jours dispensé par e-mail…
L'ensemble de ressources disponible au téléchargement, conçu pour aider les nouveaux utilisateurs à mieux comprendre divers équipements et matériaux de photopolymérisation.
Download our starter kit to learn the basics of conformal coatings and get useful resources to help you better understand the technology. This free educational starter kit includes:
- The Guide to Light-Cure Conformal Coatings
- Methods for Applying Conformal Coatings
- The Advantages of Light-Cure Conformal Coatings
- Guide to Dymax Light-Cure Conformal Coatings
A car is a harsh environment for a printed circuit board, depending on the location of the board, how much use the vehicle gets, and the sort of environment to which it is exposed. The fragile electronic components and the paths between them must be protected in order to function reliably. To meet new warranty requirements, many manufacturers are looking for cost-effective ways to protect their automotive electronics and extend their service life.
In this new e-book, we discuss the materials commonly used to protect circuit boards and how conformal coatings are becoming the go-to products for PCB protection, thanks to their ease of application and low weight. We compare various conformal coating technologies and give some tips on how to select the appropriate coating.