
85 résultats affichés

Différentes méthodes d'application des résines de masquage de protection de surface SpeedMask®

It's important to understand the different methods required to apply SpeedMask® maskants prior to using them.

September 12,2023

Mieux comprendre la chlorose dans les produits utilisant des monomères CA

When using UVCAs or CAs, it's important to understand that chlorosis (blooming) can occur.

August 31,2023

Comment les matériaux photopolymérisables assurent des liaisons plus fortes entre les substrats

Rapid bonding to glass, plastic, metal, and even dissimilar substrates is possible with light-curable adhesives.

August 02,2023

Gros plan sur les lampes de polymérisation à DEL UV : L'importance de la longueur d'onde

Feel confident using a light-curing process by understanding the electromagnetic spectrum, different curing lamps and wavelengths, and safety protocols to use.

July 21,2023

Comment surmonter l'inhibition de l'oxygène dans les adhésifs photopolymérisables ?

Understanding the Effects of Oxygen Inhibition in UV/Visible Light-Curable Adhesives

May 03,2023

Votre dispositif médical peut-il survivre à une stérilisation répétée ?

Autoclave Resistant Adhesives May Be the Answer

January 30,2023

L'ABC des lumières UV

Dymax materials polymerize upon exposure to light energy, so it's important to understand the differences between the three different types of UV light.

January 10,2023

Comment retravailler et enlever les revêtements conformes

High-value printed circuit boards sometimes require rework or removal of the conformal coating applied to them. Read about the rework and removal process.

November 29,2022

Questions courantes sur les revêtements conformes photopolymérisables

Dymax Application Engineering answers some of the typical questions that light-cure conformal coating users have.

November 15,2022

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