Obtenir de meilleurs contrôles de processus avec la technologie de photopolymérisation

Dymax Corporation’s new white paper explains how light-curable materials in the manufacturing process actually allow for better process controls than other adhesive options, what the benefits of using them are, and what those process controls look like.

May 20, 2015

Dymax Corporation's new white paper explains how light-curable materials in the manufacturing process actually allow for better process controls than other adhesive options, what the benefits of using them are, and what those process controls look like. In manufacturing, process controls are used to ensure that products are made to the highest standard possible. When effective procedures are laid out for each step in the manufacturing process, it's much easier to reduce the risk of damage, failure, and loss.

Good process controls help a company turn out the best version of its product and have fewer headaches along the way. Employees are able to understand what to do, when to do it, and how to do it well. But some technologies, such as light-curable materials, lend themselves to smoother processes than others. 

Dymax Corporation develops innovative oligomer, adhesive, coating, dispensing, and light-curing systems for applications in a wide range of markets. The company's products are perfectly matched to work seamlessly with each other, providing design engineers with tools to dramatically improve manufacturing efficiency and reduce costs. Major markets include aerospace, appliance, automotive, electronics, industrial, medical device, and metal finishing.

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