Le masquant photopolymérisable de Dymax protège les surfaces lors des traitements en environnement difficile

SpeedMask® 730-BT is a masking resin formulated to provide excellent surface protection during chemical milling/etching, plating, anodizing, and aggressive grit-blasting operations aiding in the manufacturing, overhaul, repair, and rework of turbine engine blades, vanes, and other turbine components as well as many other metal finishing applications.

SpeedMask® 730-BT is a masking resin formulated to provide excellent surface protection during chemical milling/etching, plating, anodizing, and aggressive grit-blasting operations aiding in the manufacturing, overhaul, repair, and rework of turbine engine blades, vanes, and other turbine components as well as many other metal finishing applications.  730-BT is impervious to most acid and alkali solutions.  This next-generation maskant is trimmable for complex configurations while still maintaining edge tension to prevent leakage and damage to the substrate underneath.

SpeedMask® 730-BT is a fast, light-curable, solvent-free, organic resin designed for spray, dip, or brush masking of components.  Used as a temporary protective coating, SpeedMask® 730-BT is a replacement for environmentally hazardous and time-consuming solvent- or water-based maskants.  730-BT requires no mixing prior to use.  Une fois durci, il offre une protection de surface contre le traitement chimique des alliages de nickel, de l'acier, du titane, de l'acier inoxydable, de l'aluminium et du verre.

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